
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Eliot's 13 Month Update

Mummy is late again at getting this post up! I can't believe how quickly the months fly past!
This month you have learnt to clap your hands, if someone says 'clap hands' or sings a song with those words you will clap hands! If I'd written this post on time I would still be saying you are very confident with walking but today you actually walked by yourself, lots of steps and did it several times! We are so so proud of you! Unfortunately you also banged your head against your cot when you tried to get up, so you have a nasty bruise :( 
We bought your first pair of shoes as you liked being on your feet outside holding our hands, they will be a necessity now you can walk by yourself. You were actually a lot more co-operative than I thought you would be when you had your feet measured. You are currently a 4.5 H and have a pair of Clarks Doodles.
We are still experiencing the tantrums, particularly when you can't have your own way. After talking to various other parents, you aren't the only one and I've been informed these will last until at least your second birthday!
Your first shoes!
You have been on and off your food this past month, even some of your favourites! I think it could be because of the weather. It has been so hot and I know I don't feel like eating a lot so perhaps you feel the same. Raisins have fast become a favourite snack and you gobble these up! Nana Mary has been treating you to ice creams when you're out with her so you've learnt how to lick them and won't share with anybody! You've also tried some diluted pure juices, you didn't like the orange but you are a fan of apple and mango juice!

We have your 8-12 month check booked so I will be able to  update this in your next update!
Nothing has changed here.

You had a very unsettled couple of nights when we stayed at Nana and Grandad's, I think you were too hot! 
Your Likes/Dislikes

  • You are back to loving the washing machine, particularly at Nana & Grandads
  • You love ice cream
  • You don't like sit on rides when they move
  • You stilldon't like having your nappy changed
Enjoying sitting on a ride and 'driving' but you cried when it started to move!


It's crazy how much you've grown and changed! I put some clips together of you from 7-13 months...
We love you lots

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