
Tuesday 21 April 2015

It's heating up, don't forget your pets!

Before they had a garden...
I'm one of those irritating people that complains when the weather is cold, wet and miserable but also when it gets too hot. Don't get me wrong I love a bit of sun, we've had some glorious weather over the past couple of weeks which has been fab. I just can't stand those sweltering summer nights, it's so uncomfortable! I'd rather be too cold than too hot. I have always thought if I feel uncomfortable with the heat, then Eliot will do too so I dress him minimally.
I think the same also applies for our pets. If you didn't already know we have two cats, Mimi and Coco. When we lived in London our flat was on the fourth floor so needless to say, they were indoor cats.
Since we've moved they've been curious about going outside and have enjoyed spending time in the garden especially when the weather has been good. I'm sure over the summer months they'll be keen to spend more of their time outdoors which has led me to consider how I can keep them safe in the hot weather. We don't have a cat flap or plans to put one in anytime soon, mainly because the doors that lead t the garden are glass and we don't want one on the front door. So, there may be times they will be outside longer than planned. I've thought about how they could stay shaded in this situation as there is little shade in our back garden. Our next door neighbours have four cats,  they have a cat box in their garden that a family member built for them. It's somewhere where their kitties can shelter come rain or shine. A cat box of some sort could be a possibility for our garden but we have lots of other jobs that need doing so it may not happen  in time for this summer!
With that in mind I've thought of some tips to help keep felines safe in the sun...
  • Frequently change water bowls & ensure they are kept topped up with fresh water
  • Leave a bowl of water outdoors in a shaded area
  •  Make sure there is a shaded area in the garden, use cloth or similar materials to create somewhere if you have little or no shade
  • I read that dampened towels are a good idea in extreme heat, rub the towel from head to tail over your cat to help cool them down.
  • Dampened towels could also be left on the floor so cats can lay on them if they wish
  • I've also read sunblock is a good idea to use on cats ears particularly if they have a fair coat
  • If you need to travel with your cat in the car, ensure there is ventilation, water to hand and like dogs never leave them in a car alone
  • Keep an eye out for signs of heatstroke. Even if your cat is indoors they can still be affected
Keeping me company during a 'pregnancy nap'
Have you got any tips? Argos pet insurance have some, just the read for pet owners looking for advice!

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