Wednesday 16 July 2014

Infacare Baby Bath REVIEW

A while back we were sent a lovely big bottle of Infacare ultra mild baby bath. On the bottle it says 'Infacare Ultra Mild Baby Bath does more than just clean gently, it helps care for your baby's skin too'.
It also states to be suitable for babies and children who may have sensitive and/or dry skin. This appealed to me as Eliot has suffered from baby eczema particularly on his legs. Therefore I am wary about what I use at bath times. However, we have had no problems with the Infacare baby bath, Eliot's skin has agreed with it and there hasn't been a bit of eczema in sight. It has been very gentle on his squishy baby skin and it smells lovely too, fresh but delicate! It creates lots bubbles for bath time and sensory fun.
Eliot has loved his bath time from the early days and it has been a wonderful way for him to relax and stimulate his senses. We have recently started using the main bath and he loves nothing more but to lay back and kick and splash in the bubbles.
Linda Blair, who is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, a Chartered Scientist, an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council says...
"Bath time provides an ideal opportunity to tune in to your baby, a time
to reflect on what your baby might be thinking.  All that fun playing with
bubbles can help them to learn through touch and play, and parents can
learn to recognise what their baby is trying to tell them."
So bath time for little ones is not only about getting clean but also learning through their senses.
Infacare baby bath ultra mild is suitable to use with babies 1 month old and over. It is available in 400ml and 750ml bottles. You can pick it up at several major retailers, such as Asda, Boots and Wilkinsons. It is also available to buy online from Amazon and other online sites.
Eliot enjoying a bath with Infacare.
* I was sent the product in exchange for a review.  All views are entirely my own

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. My little one has excema and I struggle looking for suitable things to stop her scratching. Using Infacare hoping her excema doesn't flare up. Tried putting my proper name in this comment but it will not let me 🤔


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