Wednesday 16 April 2014

Review-The Exante Diet

Recently I have been putting The Exante Diet to the test, I was sent seven days worth of meal replacement products. I'm no stranger to 'shakes' when it comes to diets in the form of 'meal replacements' but I haven't really tried 'hot' replacements, so it was great to be able to sample some!
The Exante range offers soups, shakes, bars, ready meals and porridge which all provide the 'recommended daily allowance of vitamins and minerals'.
There are three different 'solutions' you can choose to follow based on your BMI. I followed the 'Total Solution' which was consuming 3x Exante products. I drank plenty of water (at least 2 litres a day is recommended) and could drink coffee and any green leaf tea without milk. If you prefer your hot drinks sweetened you can use tablet sweetners.
With the 'Working Solution' you have 3x Exante products plus a 400 calorie meal and with the 'Simple Solution' you have the 3x Exante products and a 600 calorie meal.
If you're wondering about the 'science' behind how this diet works, here's Exante's explanation...

'The diet creates a daily calorie deficit, which after 3-4 days puts the dieter in a metabolic state called ketosis where the body uses fat stores to produce energy. When fat is burned rapidly a by-product called ketones is produced and the person is said to be in ketosis'.

All of the meal replacement products were easy to prepare. The shakes were simply prepared with water and Exante supplied a 'shaker' which meant I didn't have to 'faff' around with a whisk! Inside is a metal ball which does the 'whisking' job nicely, smoothing out any lumps of powder. The variety of pleasant tasting flavours is great too, I had vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, banana and toffee caramel (which was my fave!)
The hot meals were made up similarly by adding water then simply popping in the microwave. I was able to sample apple and cinnamon porridge, vegetable, mushroom and thai chicken soups, spaghetti Bolognese and shepherds pie. It was great to be able to have these as an alternative to the shakes and I enjoyed them all.
There was no doubt I was going to lose weight on such a low calorie diet but I was pleasantly surprised by a loss of 7lbs in one week! I highly recommend it to anyone looking to shift some weight quickly! Prices start from £3.87 a day so this diet won't break the budget!
*I was sent The Exante products in exchange for a review. All opinions are entirely my own.

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