Monday 6 January 2014

My 2014 'To do list'

I don't do New Year Resolutions, so instead I'm compiling my '2014 To Do List'. Which consists of 'sort of' resolutions and things that I do really need to get done!
1. Arrange a meeting with the new head at my school to discuss going back to work :(
2. Get in touch with the childminder I said I'd call since June :-/
(I'm in denial about going back to work)
3. Battle the bulge! I've always been a 'chubs', there is no way I'll ever be a 'skinny mini' I just don't have the frame. However I do need to shift SEVERAL pounds to get to a healthy weight. It is something I have always battled with, losing it, putting it and more back on before the cycle starts again! In fact I was doing quite well at the end of 2012 before discovering I was pregnant. At the moment I just don't have the motivation.
4. Be more organised! Something I seem to have gotten worse at.
5. Make the most of everything! Time just whizzes past and before you know it another year has passed by. I don't think I make the most of the day and should!
6. Move out of London. I don't want Eliot to grow up here...that is a future post!
7. See more of my friends. Since becoming a mum I have been very pre-occupied with the role and not seen much of my friends at all.
8. I'd love to build my blog readers/followers and work with more great brands.
I'm sure there's more but writing this at a late hour my mind has gone blank.
Aha! At a better time of day I've remembered what else is on my 'to do's'! 7/1/13
9. Move Eliot into his own bedroom. He is almost too big for his crib but I keep putting the move off!
10. Find a new job, this goes hand in hand with number 6. If we move I will need a new job because my current school will be too far away.
Have you got similar 'to do's'/'resolutions'? I'd love to hear from you :)


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