Monday 6 January 2014

My Pregnancy 28-40 Weeks

This was the final leg…we were getting closer to meeting our boy! I still wasn't free of unscheduled visits to the antenatal unit, read on for my third trimester experience.

Morning Sickness
None at this stage

None really at this point, occasionally still had my milkshake craving.

By this stage of my pregnancy I was a lot calmer and relaxed about any worries. At 36 weeks Ailsa visited for the usual routine pregnancy checks. Unfortunately my blood pressure was a bit high and there was protein in my urine. Ailsa was concerned it could be pre-eclampsia. So she took some blood to save me waiting at the hospital and sent me to the antenatal assessment unit. When I got there they checked bubs’ heartbeat, which was all good and took my blood pressure which had mysteriously but thankfully gone back to a normal reading. The blood test result concluded it wasn’t pre-eclampsia, thank goodness!
At 39 weeks I hadn’t felt bubs move much so thought it would be wise just to get checked out at hospital. I handed over my notes and explained why I was there. As soon as I sat down to wait the little fella decided to do a dance! What a relief but typical he decided to move as soon as I arrived! They did their usual checks, hearbeat, urine, blood pressure. Baby was fine but they were concerned about pre-eclampsia again. So that meant a battle to get blood…again. By this point I’d sort of gotten used to the whole process so it didn’t bother me as much. Results came back normal so I was able to go and the following day Annie was visiting for another routine check, I felt pretty chilled.

At 28 weeks I had an appointment at the hospital to get the anti d injection as my blood is Rhesus negative. I didn’t explain this previously, for anyone who’s not sure this meant if baby’s blood was Rhesus positive and our bloods crossed, my body would develop antibodies which would affect any future pregnancies. Even though I’d already had a couple of anti d doses you still have the one at 28 weeks.
Next it was the usual midwife appointments, I met two more of the midwives from the team who were nice but I didn’t feel as comfortable with as I did with Annie, Ailsa or Johanna. From 36 weeks the midwives came to do the routine checks at home.
t was Ailsa who was first to visit at home and the above (in scares) drama happened. Because of the ‘drama’ Ailsa wanted me to be seen the following week as opposed to two weeks later. At 37 weeks I met Jane, all the checks showed that there were no problems and she was happy to leave me to be seen two weeks later at 39 weeks. My next visit was from Annie who I hadn’t seen since my booking appointment at 10 weeks. She arrived with a student midwife, did the usual and booked me in for an induction in case our boy decided to stay comfy two weeks after my due date 24/6/13. Whilst Annie was feeling the position of bubs she said, ‘I don’t think he’s small’. Just what every woman wants to hear at 39 weeks pregnant haha!

I had been indecisive about booking a 4D scan as they are expensive and not a necessity. Friends had recommended them and I knew I would regret it if I didn’t have one. When Wowcher had one on offer I bought the deal and booked in for the scan at 29 weeks. We were so excited to see our boy in 4D and wondered who he would look like.

On the day, bubs chose to be uncooperative, much like the 20 week scan and didn’t want to move around too much but we did get some amazing viewing of him yawning and pulling funny faces. We left with some photos and a DVD. He looked like someone I’d seen before, it was strange but I guess it was because he looked like one of us.

If you’re undecided about having one, I would definitely recommend having the 4D scan, purely for experiencing seeing your little miracle so clearly. It brought tears to our eyes!

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